It was Halloween weekend, 2005, when I was first introduced to Chromeo at their show at Little Pedro’s, the “oldest bar in Los Angeles,” which is sadly, no longer Little Pedro’s. LP and I had quite a night that evening, including being forced to watch a short film about a mail-order girlfriend who only had a head and yearned to have a complete body, as well what I’m convinced was a real zombie sighting. Nonetheless, what I remember most is our instant obsession with Chromeo, mostly due to the song “Rage.” We were pretty angry back then.
Three years later and the sassypants dance pop duo still has me hooked and screaming like a 12-year-old girl in their presence. Which I did pretty consistently at their show last night at the Fonda. If you aren’t already in love with them, here are 8 outstanding character traits that may sway you to wanna be their
Pride in their appearance: See manicured facial hair in the pic above. Also of note – Pee’s correct preference in baseball teams.
Bromantical: Best friends since high school, they still high-five each other during songs like it’s their first time on stage together.
Quality Musical Preferences: They cite “Cool It Now” by New Edition as a major influence. Also Hall and Oates.
Play Well With Monsters: They’ve been on Yo! Gabba Gabba. Which I’ve also, unabashedly, seen live.
Well Educated: Dave 1 is pursuing a Ph.D. in French literature at Columbia University. How do you say “Do me” in French?
Use cutting-edge technology: Talk. Box. Yes!
Shamelessly Nerdy:
“I’m a big-time Paul Simon fan. Big Phil Collins fan. I’m a big Jodeci fan, too. The Show, The After Party, The Hotel album? I wish Paul Simon would call me up and say he wants to do a joint with me.” - Pee Thug, in an interview for Tastes Like Chicken
Magical: They have the ability to make every single person dance at a show in Los Angeles. This is simply unheard of. And therefore can only be explained through magic. Or strobe-light induced seizures.