Thursday, July 31, 2008

Bonafied Lovin'

It was Halloween weekend, 2005, when I was first introduced to Chromeo at their show at Little Pedro’s, the “oldest bar in Los Angeles,” which is sadly, no longer Little Pedro’s. LP and I had quite a night that evening, including being forced to watch a short film about a mail-order girlfriend who only had a head and yearned to have a complete body, as well what I’m convinced was a real zombie sighting. Nonetheless, what I remember most is our instant obsession with Chromeo, mostly due to the song “Rage.” We were pretty angry back then.

Three years later and the sassypants dance pop duo still has me hooked and screaming like a 12-year-old girl in their presence. Which I did pretty consistently at their show last night at the Fonda. If you aren’t already in love with them, here are 8 outstanding character traits that may sway you to wanna be their Tenderoni.

Pride in their appearance: See manicured facial hair in the pic above. Also of note – Pee’s correct preference in baseball teams.

Bromantical: Best friends since high school, they still high-five each other during songs like it’s their first time on stage together.

Quality Musical Preferences: They cite “Cool It Now” by New Edition as a major influence. Also Hall and Oates.

Play Well With Monsters: They’ve been on Yo! Gabba Gabba. Which I’ve also, unabashedly, seen live.

Well Educated: Dave 1 is pursuing a Ph.D. in French literature at Columbia University. How do you say “Do me” in French?

Use cutting-edge technology: Talk. Box. Yes!

Shamelessly Nerdy: “I’m a big-time Paul Simon fan. Big Phil Collins fan. I’m a big Jodeci fan, too. The Show, The After Party, The Hotel album? I wish Paul Simon would call me up and say he wants to do a joint with me.” - Pee Thug, in an interview for Tastes Like Chicken

Magical: They have the ability to make every single person dance at a show in Los Angeles. This is simply unheard of. And therefore can only be explained through magic. Or strobe-light induced seizures.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Dreams do come true

Behold! A robot that maybe, just maybe, is capable of loving me back just as much as I love robots. Well maybe not THAT much, but he could at least pretend. 

From CNETSwathed in white Egyptian cotton, it looks like a slightly forlorn cousin of ET. Its nervous system is made up of five small computers that work together to produce reactions. Motors move its eyelids and hands and make its little red, rubber heart beat--more slowly if you cuddle it, and faster if you shake it, yell at it, or otherwise stress the poor little guy out.

More on this cute lil' British (!) emobot at Christmas really isn't that far away...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

In case this question keeps you up at night...

Now you have an entire book to answer this is and many other questions I can't imagine anyone really thinking about. Like the burning "What do dead people wear?" Answer: Nothing. They are in energy form. Energy likes to be nekkid.  WTF?! Who has time to think about this? Furthermore, why didn't I think of this brilliant book idea? Basically the author can say anything she wants, since she is talking about dead people. Who is going to call her bluff? Damn. Another great idea that should have been mine. I love making stuff up!!

P.S. - The answer is yes, they do watch you shower. They are also able to watch you have sex. So... now you know. 

Friday, July 18, 2008

So You Think You Can Dance

For as long as I can remember, I've had a not-so-secret dream of being a back-up dancer. I never really thought about for who or how I would do it. And in fact, it was just recently that I realized this dream would never come true - probably because I've only taken three dance classes in the past ten years, mostly dance alone and on my bed and I'm not very flexible. Therefore, I've been living vicariously through Jon Chu's YouTube page. It's an honorable second place to my number one dream. 

Jon Chu is the director of Step It Up 2: The Streets, aka, one of the best movies ever. It came out on DVD this week and tonight I will likely watch it over and over again in an attempt to learn the moves. Or a move, at least. And you should celebrate this special occasion by watching the video below of the Adam/Chu Dance Crew (ACDC). It's part of an ongoing dance battle between them and Miley Cyrus. For reals. Prepare to have your mind blown. You can thank me later by buying me an ACDC t-shirt.

For all of Chu's coolness, hit up his YouTube at:

Go! Weekend Awesomeness

Tonight (Friday):
America Cinematheque presents the Old Pasadena Film Festival. Tonight they are screening the amazing and terrifying 70s classic thriller, Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Better yet, it's on the rooftop of the Schoolhouse Garage! I don't really know what that means, but it sounds scary. 10pm. Free. More info here.

The Angel City Derby Girls take on Denver's 5280 Fight Club in the Hollywood Walk of Maim roller derby bout! ACDG's Hollywood Scarlets all-star team is bringing glamour and guts in what's sure to be an awesome fight to the win. Join them afterwards at their star-studded afterparty held poolside at the Sheraton LAX. Don't miss out on the action-guaranteed on the track, and at the bar. Click here for more info, including a link to tix.

Afterwards, head north up the coast, where Santa Monica is up all night for Glow. Running from 7pm - 7am, this music and arts party is centered around the brand new, super shiny ferris wheel on the pier. According to their site "Glow takes its spirit from the fabled grunion that live in local waters and come ashore several times a year to spawn in the sand creating a momentary sensation of iridescence." So basically some animal is coming to the beach to do it and also sparkle. I'm down. There will also be all kinds of installations and entertainment, including pirate lullabies, an orchestra playing from baskets on the ferris wheel and a "neptune's lair" under the boardwalk. How rad is that? Answer: pretty f-ing rad. Click here to get yer Glow on.

What's better than topping your weekend off with a ton of wine and some good music at the Hollywood Bowl? Dancing to Sharon Jones at the Hollywood Bowl with a ton of wine, that's what. When she sings, you'll swear she invented funk and soul herself. And if she and her fantastic band, The Dap Kings, don't make ya move, you better check your pulse. Check your attitude at the door and get ready to get down. Feist will also be there. She's pretty. $16 tix were still available this morning. 7pm, Hollywood Bowl

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Gratuitous video of the day

If you haven't seen this video yet, you are probably leading a miserable existence. So here you go, sad friends. Cuddle-worthy boy kittens + hilarity + rollerskates = Thank you, New Zealand!

Space for Sale!

In honor of tonight's full moon, I'm letting you in on a little secret. You can own the moon! Yes, you! Well, at least a part of it. 

For only $22.49, you can own an acre on the moon and even get a deed with your name on it. Holy crap! What will you call your lunar stake of land? Mine will be the Galactical State of Owl. 

This is not a joke, despite my tendency to make up lies under the evil forces of a full moon. Go here to find out more, like how there is also going to be Internet on the moon by 2010!! Hooray!