Three years later and the sassypants dance pop duo still has me hooked and screaming like a 12-year-old girl in their presence. Which I did pretty consistently at their show last night at the Fonda. If you aren’t already in love with them, here are 8 outstanding character traits that may sway you to wanna be their Tenderoni.

Pride in their appearance: See manicured facial hair in the pic above. Also of note – Pee’s correct preference in baseball teams.
Bromantical: Best friends since high school, they still high-five each other during songs like it’s their first time on stage together.
Quality Musical Preferences: They cite “Cool It Now” by New Edition as a major influence. Also Hall and Oates.
Play Well With Monsters: They’ve been on Yo! Gabba Gabba. Which I’ve also, unabashedly, seen live.
Well Educated: Dave 1 is pursuing a Ph.D. in French literature at Columbia University. How do you say “Do me” in French?
Use cutting-edge technology: Talk. Box. Yes!
Shamelessly Nerdy: “I’m a big-time Paul Simon fan. Big Phil Collins fan. I’m a big Jodeci fan, too. The Show, The After Party, The Hotel album? I wish Paul Simon would call me up and say he wants to do a joint with me.” - Pee Thug, in an interview for Tastes Like Chicken
Magical: They have the ability to make every single person dance at a show in Los Angeles. This is simply unheard of. And therefore can only be explained through magic. Or strobe-light induced seizures.