Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Dreams do come true

Behold! A robot that maybe, just maybe, is capable of loving me back just as much as I love robots. Well maybe not THAT much, but he could at least pretend. 

From CNETSwathed in white Egyptian cotton, it looks like a slightly forlorn cousin of ET. Its nervous system is made up of five small computers that work together to produce reactions. Motors move its eyelids and hands and make its little red, rubber heart beat--more slowly if you cuddle it, and faster if you shake it, yell at it, or otherwise stress the poor little guy out.

More on this cute lil' British (!) emobot at Christmas really isn't that far away...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, but is it a robot or a puppet? It's adorable, but I'm not sure it really works. Did I miss something?